Fiche cheval jan brueghel

st leger stakes (class 1) (group 1) (british champions series)R6C4platdoncaster2920 M8629137 partantsDépart 14:40
14jan brueghelM31p1p1psean levey2.5/103:04
23illinoisM32p2p1p2p3pw. m. lordan3.1/1
35sunwayM34p2p7p2p5pc. soumillon5.3/1
41deira mileM32p4p1p(23)4pjason watson35/1
2grosvenor squareM31p2p7p3pgavin ryan8.1/1
6wild wavesM34p0p1p1p5pdaniel tudhope40/1
7you got to meF32p1p4p4p1phector crouch9.4/1

j. pearce rcg gordon stk - world poolR6C3platgoodwood2410 M2322785 partantsDépart 14:00
Non Partants : 2
11jan brueghelM31p1pryan moore/102:34
2align the starsM31p1p3p2p2pjoe fanning/1
23bellum justumM33p7p1p(23)1poisin murphy/1encolure
35sayedaty sadatyM35p2p2p(23)3pjamie spencer/13 l
44meydaanM34p1p3p5ptom marquand/18 l 1/2

the al basti equiworld dubai international stakes (group 3)R6C4platcurragh2010 M1000008 partantsDépart 13:55
17jan brueghelM31pr.l moore/102:09
24trustyourinstinctH41p1h2h3h4hd. mcmonagle/1encolure
36ecureuil secretM33p4p1pj.a. heffernan/14 l
42bolsterM41p1p0pc.d. hayes/13/4 l
51self beliefH54p(23)7p7p1pw.j. lee/12 l 1/2
68wendlaF31p6p1p6p2pc.t. keane/16 l
75empress of beautyF41p6p3p2p1ps. foley/18 l
83chazzesmeeH60p1p(23)2p1pj.m. sheridan/113 l